
People around always talk about success. It often deals with a good job, a high salary, a nice car, and a beautiful house. We who already have a principal that a success is not just a matter of money sometimes feel lose the direction. We sometimes feel desperate about our jobs, study, carrier, and life. We sometimes feel that we haven’t success yet because we haven’t built our own house or even given money for our parents.  We feel stuck by a certain condition. We don’t have any ideas what should we do. We claimed ourselves that we’d failed and useless.  But, before you sunk deeper, you’d better read this following poem that have just gave me a fresh air and a new perspective about a success.

To laugh often and to love much
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends

To appreciate beauty
To find the best in others
To leave the world a bit better
Whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition
To know even one life has breathed easier

Because you have lived
This is to have succeeded
(Elisabeth-Anne Anderson Stanley)

Translation in Bahasa by Kak Yenny Saputri


Sering tertawa dan banyak mencintai
Memperoleh penghormatan dari mereka yang pandai
Dan memperoleh kasih sayang dari anak-anak

Mendapatkan apresiasi dari pengkritik yang jujur
Dan mampu bertahan dari pengkhianatan teman palsu

Menghargai keindahan
Menemukan yang terbaik dari siapa pun
Mewariskan hal yang lebih baik untuk dunia
Apakah itu anak yang sehat, sepetak kebun hijau,
Atau kondisi sosial yang lebih baik

Mengetahui setidaknya ada satu jiwa yang bernapas lebih mudah karena Anda

Itulah kesuksesan

Office, 31 January 2015
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