A Note From These Steps (By Road, Wish I Get More Faith, Knowledge, and Godsend)

I have a belief that making journey is an important activity to do in this life.  Then, fortunately, I have a friend as my companion to do that namely Matias Kurnia Dita.
We have just backed home from a journey to Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Our condition was in a disorientation period before making a journey. And we hope we can get some precious things in the journey. Well, I won’t write or describe places we had visited, but it’ll be about the lessons we get.
Firstly, personally, I got spirit. You know that spirit is a key to move, to work, and to change. By meeting with various people, I was infected by their spirit. Yeah..spirit is a valuable thing and I have to maintain the spirit in my soul in order to make me always move, work, and change to be better.
Secondly, I obtained some new point of views. To be wise, in my opinion, we have to view a thing by various sides. yeah..I learn that everyone is different and he or she has their own mind, and I need to respect that.
Thirdly, by seeing some behavior, I believe that everyone needs an appreciation. I ignored this several times ago. And, to maintain a relationship, I learn that I must have a willingness to appreciate something or someone. Whatever the way.
Fourthly, from my friend’s speech, Metias Kurnia Dita’s speech, I more know that when we want to achieve success, sometimes we no need to be shy. Just focus on our goal. Everything is done to catch that goal.
Fifthly, considering a little step is important. Yeah, I always put aside the little thing. And, from some people I see, I know that to stand till that point, they never ignore a little step.
Finally, I was guided to face the reality. Yeah…how difficult the reality, we have to face it stiff. Don’t pretend that the reality is none. But, that is real.
Then..thanks God. 
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